Cambridgeshire Broket Clan 17 and 18thC - The Broket Archive

The Cambridgeshire Mordens Broket clan
17th and 18th C

For 148 years1685-1833this Mordens ‘clan’ was actually a single line, comprising no more than 3 households at a time, 1 of them no longer the younger generation. The householders in this period  were:1

William 1658-1724 and Sarah HYNE
William 1690-1733 and Dorothy …
Edward 1692-1747 and Elizabeth WORBOYS
John 1717-84 and Susan PATEMAN
John 1750-1831
William 1753-1813 and Ann HALL
John 1789-1872 and Martha JERMIN
William 1792-1852 and Mary BUTCHER
Elizabeth 1795-1827 and William JARMAN
For later descendants see:
+++++++++Early 19th C: 1800-25
+++++++++Mid 19th C: 1826-50

1. William and Sarah—married 1685

Baptised Dunton 1658, son of Edward and Elin of Millo in Dunton, William Brockett married Sarah HYNE in Steeple Morden 26 Oct 1685.2 Neither of them were of the parish. About 27 was the average marriage age for men at the time in a society where couples didn’t marry until they could set up their own home.3 No other Brocketts are recorded there beforehand or until 1737 and no other HYNEs or HINEs are recorded there beforehand or after.

All 7 of their children were baptised in Guilden Morden, and most of the family was buried in the churchyard there—including William himself 10 Jun 1724—so from 1687 at least they lived in Guilden Morden parish. Perhaps it was more convenient for some reason to marry in the Steeple Morden church than in the Guilden Morden one. A Sarey HINE was baptised in Gamlingay (c 8 m NW of Steeple Morden) on 11 Jul 1663, d/o William, who appears to have married a Sarah HINE there in 1659,4 but no further family can be reliably traced. This would make Sarah the daughter about 22 at marriage, a year and a half less than the contemporary average.

Sarah was still living in 1733, 48 years after her marriage—’I give and bequeath to my beloved mother Sarah Brockett of Gilden Morden one Guinea …’ (son William’s Will).

William and Sarah’s was the first Broket marriage and family recorded in the Mordens and daughter Sarah was the first Broket baptism. There were no other entries between the baptisms of their last child in 1704 and their first grandchild in 1716. The only other previous entry was the burial of Dorythy, 23 Mar 1658/9—probably William’s cousin, bap Dunton 1636, and otherwise not recorded again there, so possibly died in service down in Guilden Morden.

Of William and Sarah’s 7 children only 3 are known to have survived infancy:

  1. Sarah bap 16 Jan 1687. Did she marry Edward MARTIN in Sheering, c 35 m S in Essex on 20 Feb 1711?5
  2. William bap 7 Sep 1690—”William Broket fili willi Broket Bapti septimo septembris 1690″.6 He married Dorothy …
  3. Edward bap 5 Feb 1692—”Edvardus filius William Broket Bap febbruary 5th 1692″.7 He married 1st Elizabeth WORBOYS, 2nd Jane LOGSTONE.
  4. Richard bap 13 Sep 1696 bur 17 Nov 1697
  5. Ellen bap 27 Oct 1698 bur 2 Jan 1698/9
  6. Ellin bap 3 Mar 1699/1700, 14 months after her older sister Ellen was buried. Ellen married Guilden Morden 26 Mar 1722 John GODFREY, Tailor. Ellen was bur 20 Apr 1726, aged only about 27. No record of issue in the IGI for Cambridgeshire.
  7. Isaac bap 28 May 1704 bur 26 Dec 1704.

William must have been the son of Edward and Elin of Millo in Dunton, baptised with his twin sister Frances in 20 Sep 1658.8 Their father—and grandfather—had died when they were only 2 years old, but they were each bequeathed £50 in their father’s will.

  1. The first 2 Dunton generations had generally styled themselves ‘Yeomen‘, but 3 generations of large families and daughters’ dowries appear to have decreased this earlier wealth and the clan’s status. William’s father Edward—of the 3rd Dunton generation—didn’t style himself Yeoman, and in the records of son Isaac in Guilden Morden William was styled ‘Labourer’, as also in his own burial record there. Land in Guilden Morden was richer and costlier than up in Dunton. Moreover, a Labourer at this time was often not as impoverished as many a Labourer in the more industrial 18th and 19th centuries. It wasn’t unusual for Labourers then to leave property in wills. Within 7 years of William’s death his son styled himself ‘Yeoman‘—he owned a house with land, an orchard and no doubt farm animals. His signed Will in 1733 showed him setting up a succession for his estate:
    1. his wife for term of her life without impeachment of waste
    2. his brother
    3. his brother’s son—only 16 at the time of writing the will—with provision for his brother’s daughter.

    That William’s son could read or write meant that William had the funds to pay for a son’s schooling. William was between a Yeoman and a Labourer.

  2. William was about 27 at the time of the Steeple Morden marriage—the usual age at the time.9
  3. The names of 5 out of 7 of William and Sarah’s children were those of Edward and Elin of Millo, and his siblings: William, Edward, Isaac, Elin. It appears that after naming their first two children after themselves, their next son and daughter were named after William’s parents, and again with their next daughter after the first Elin died.
  4. Where the Dunton Parish records end for William the Morden ones begin. The original Dunton entry for 20 Sep 1658 reads:10Bapt. Gulielmus et Fransisca gemelli Eadvardi Brocket Jn“—in English: ‘”William and Frances, twins of Edward Brocket jnr were baptised”. This was the last William entry there. The previous William Broket baptism recorded for Dunton had been 1624, and he probably moved to Little Cornard. The next William records after 1658 in neighbouring parishes were:
    1. William and Sarah’s marriage in Steeple Morden in 1685
    2. the baptism of their son William in Guilden Morden in 1690.
  5. Broket numbers declined in Dunton from the 1650s and most males left. None were recorded there for the 1661 Lay subsidy roll, the year following the death of William’s father.11 And the only Brockett household recorded in the 1666 subsidy, that of Robert, was “noe distress”, signifying poverty—there was nothing the bailiffs could distrain for the shilling owed.12 A fatherless son with few relatives in the village would have had reason to move elsewhere.
  6. Cambridgeshire Hearth Tax records show no properties—not even one-hearthed—owned by Brokets in the Mordens 1662-74. If William moved to the Mordens during that period, he was probably in service in another man’s household.
  7. In fact in 1666 Brokets were not recorded at all in Cambridgeshire. Two were recorded in 1674, but one was a bachelor priest connected to the University and the other lived in the north of the county, otherwise unknown—a solitary record with no record of any family and possibly an error. The only Wills in the probate records of the Archdeaconry of Ely—which had jurisdiction over the west of Cambridgeshire—were of William’s grandson William in 1733 and great-grandson John in 1826. There were none in the probate records of 1513-1857 of the Consistory Court of Ely—with jurisdiction over the rest of Cambridgeshire. William himself wasn’t from Cambridgeshire.
  8. William was a twin. Son Edward and his grandson John apparently fathered twins too.
  9. There was no William in the Bedfordshire Grouping or in particular the Sandy/Blunham clan until the William recorded with wife Elizabeth and children in Kempston, just outside Bedford, in the early 18th C. That William was three decades younger than this William of the Mordens.

2. William Yeoman 1690-1733

Elder son of William and Sarah HYNE. Married Dorothy …. Both their children died young:

  1. Elizabeth bap 2 Dec 1716, bur 16 Aug 1730, Guilden Morden, aged about 14.
  2. William bap 15 May 1720, bur 19 May 1721, Guilden Morden, aged about a week.

William Brockett, Tailor, was buried 12 Oct 1733, Dorothy Brockett, Widow, 23 Apr 1753, both in Guilden Morden.13 William’s Will was written 6 Oct 1733, proved 3 Nov.14

In the Name of God Amen. I William Brockett of Gilden Morden in the County of Cambridge, Yeoman,    Read more

William’s untidy signature shows he was in extremes—6 days later he was buried:15

GM William Brocket signature Will 1733

William bequeathed his house with adjoining orchard to his wife, and a guinea to his mother. Walnut was sought after for furniture and veneering. The tree would have made good money when it was cut down, and he was guarding against any claim of impeachment of waste by the next in line. After his wife’s death his estate was to pass to brother Edward and after his death to Edward’s son John from his first wife. Dorothy lived almost 20 years after William’s death, and by then Edward had also died, so nephew John will have inherited the estate in 1753 when he was 36 years old.

3. Edward 1692-1747

The second of William and Sarah HYNE’s two-son family, bap 5 Feb 1692. While his elder brother was a Yeoman, Edward was styled Labourer in 1724 in the record of his first wife’s burial, when he was 32. The family’s property was invested in the elder son. He lived and worked in the fields and meadows of Guilden Morden for 55 years.

Edward married married 1st Elizabeth WORBOYS 12 Apr 1716 in Guilden Morden. Children:

  1. John bap 24 March 1716/7. The baptismal record reads, “John son of Edward and Ann Brocket”. But there is no record of a marriage of an Edward and Ann in the Guilden Morden records, nor in the IGI for Cambridgeshire or Bedfordshire. Edward Brockett of Walsworth, Hitchin, married an Ann CANES there in 1704, but this Guilden Morden entry couldn’t have been of them. The Edward in this record must have been the Edward who married Elizabeth WORBOYS a year earlier on 12 Apr 1716 in Guilden Morden. In his Will of 1733 Edward’s brother William gave bequests to John and his sister Ann as son and daughter of “my loving brother Edward and Elizabeth his wife”. “Ann” in John’s baptismal record was a scribal error for Elizabeth:

    “The marriage entry for Edward and Elizabeth Worboys was carefully written as an individual entry, whereas the baptism entry of John was one of a list written up together later and not very neatly—perhaps by a curate?—and an error in copying could very well have been made”.16

    The error can perhaps be explained by John and Ann being twins and when writing up the record the clerk wrongly interpreted the sibling in the notes as a mother. This could also explain why there was no baptism record of Ann. Alternatively it could have been a random error, the wife of William Peters in the previous entry was omitted. Here is a photograph of the original entry on the parchment page:17

    GM PR 1717 John son of Edward and Ann [sic]

    John married Susan PATEMAN and became Publican of the Swan through till his death aged 67.

  2. Ann. No baptism record. Probably a twin of John. Mentioned in the Will of uncle William, Yeoman, 1733. Married Prime FORDHAM 3 Oct 1738 Guilden Morden. No issue recorded in the IGI for Cambridgeshire.
  3. William bap 6 Sep 1724, bur 18 Aug 1726 Guilden Morden.

Elizabeth was buried 17 Nov 1724 Guilden Morden. 6 years later Edward married 2nd Jane LOGSTONE 20 Feb 1731/2 in Guilden Morden. Children, only one of whom survived beyond infancy:

  1. Edward bap 25 Mar 1733, bur 14 Dec 1734 Guilden Morden
  2. Edward bap 16 Nov 1735, bur 13 Dec 1735 Guilden Morden
  3. Elizabeth b c 1738, no baptism record. It has been deduced from the marriage in the Guilden Morden records between Elizabeth Brockett “of this parish spinster” and Francis PETTENGILL “of this parish bachelor, aged 22” on 11 Sep 1759, witnesses John BROCKET, John GODFREY, that she was the daughter of Edward and Jane, since she would have been born c 1738 and there were no other Brockett parents in the parish, or even county, at the time. No apparent record of children in the IGI, or of Elizabeth’s burial. Francis, labourer was buried Guilden Morden 26 Feb 1807.

Edward was buried 5 Oct 1747 Guilden Morden. Jane married again in Guilden Morden on 25 Jun 1748 to Thomas SMITH of Steeple Morden.

Edward didn’t have his daughters baptised in the Church. They would have been privately baptised, as was his son Edward in 1735, for whom the record says, ‘was admitted to the Church having been before privately baptised’.

Wrigley and Schofield18 discussed the question of home baptism,   Read more

4. John 1717-84

Only surviving son of Edward and Elizabeth WORBOYS, bap 24 March 1716/7. Married Susan/nah 13 Apr 1737 in Steeple Morden, daughter of John and Sarah PATEMAN of Steeple Morden. John and Susan’s was a 2-son family and that wasn’t until they had been married for 16 years. All 3 daughters died the year they were born, and the first son died aged c 5. When John himself died in 1784 neither of his two 30 year old sons had children. Children:19

  1. Sarah bap 28 Feb 1739 bur 15 Mar 1739, aged a few weeks.
  2. John bap 10 Jan 1741 bur 30 Apr 1746, aged c 5 years.
  3. Elizabeth bap 20 Sep 1744 bur 13 Jan 1744/5, aged c 4 months.
  4. John bap 16 Apr 1750.
  5. William bap 26 Oct 1753.
  6. Susannah bap 18 May 1755 bur 20 Mar 1756, aged c 10 months.
  7. Kezia bur 2 Aug 1757.

In 18th C village terms, John would have been relatively well off by 1753 when he inherited his uncle William’s estate. Registers of Licensed Victuallers date from 1764 when John was recorded as Publican of the Swan—sometimes called the Black Swan—through till his death aged 67. There were 2 other pubs in the village then: the 6 Bells and the 3 Tuns. The Swan is still there—but now is a private dwelling. John was buried by the Society of Potton—probably a Friendly Society to which he would have contributed regularly during his life. These Societies became influential in the 18th and 19th C, in the days before the Welfare State. The elegant engraving on his headstone—situated near the base of the church tower to the west—was just legible in 1968: “John Brocket who died January 17 1784 aged 67”. In 1978 the name was legible but not the dates. In 1998 the name was only just legible:

John Brockett 1717_1784

5. John Yeoman 1750-1831

Elder surviving son of John and Susan PATEMAN. Bur 6 Feb 1831 Guilden Morden. His will, dated 15 May 1826, proved 19 Mar 1831 shows that he died unmarried with no issue:   Read more

GM John Brocket signature 1831

6. William 1753-1813

Younger surviving son of John and Susan PATEMAN, bap 26 Oct 1753. When his father the Publican and Small Farmer died, William was about 31 and unmarried. His elder brother John, was about 34, also unmarried, and running the small farm. This was perhaps why William took over as Licensee of the Swan from his father and ran it for 3 years until 1787. What he did for a living after that is not known, but about a year later he married Ann HALL “spinster of this parish”, he also of this parish, 17 Jan 1789 in Guilden Morden by licence.

The IGI records an Ann HALL born in Guilden Morden in 1771 to John and Elizabeth, who married at Bourn in 1760. The IGI for Cambridgeshire has 2 other Ann HALLs baptised around that time, one in 1763 in East Hatley, about 4 miles N of Guilden Morden, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hall, who probably married in Haslingfield in 1756, and the other in Steeple Morden in 1776, daughter of Edward and Mary Hall, who married in Steeple Morden in 1775. If Ann were daughter of the former it would make her about 26 at marriage, and if the latter 13 or 14 at marriage. But the Guilden Morden record ‘of this parish’ suggests that her parents were John and Elizabeth, even though it means that she would have been about 17 or 18 at marriage while William was 35. Her burial age of 59 in 1829 confirms. Their first child was born only about a month later.

William and Ann were unrelated contemporaries of William 1753-1818 and Elizabeth WILCOX, who lived all their lives in Bromham, Bedfordshire, only 16 miles to the west.

Between William’s sister Kezia’s burial in 1757, and his own on 16 Apr 1813, there were no other Brockett burials recorded in Guilden Morden. So William and Ann’s was the only Brockett family in Guilden Morden. Elder brother John never apparently either married or had children. William and Ann’s 3 children, however, insured the continuance of the name. All 3 lines have many living Brockett descendants:

  1. John bap 23 Feb 1789 Guilden Morden; m Martha JERMIN—5 surviving sons, 4 daughters.
  2. William bap 10 Jun 1792 Guilden Morden; m Mary BUTCHER—6 surviving sons, 3 daughters.
  3. Elizabeth bap 26 Jan 1795 Guilden Morden—1 surviving son, 2 daughters.

Until they were adults, these 3 children grew up in a continual atmosphere of war—a 22-year-long war began against France in 1793.

William died in 1813, the year after his first grandchild was born. He lived to the age of 60, although died 18 years before his elder brother. Ann was buried in Guilden Morden 19 Sep 1829, aged 59.

7. John 1789-1872

Elder son of William and Ann HALL, John was baptised 23 Feb 1789 Guilden Morden, elder son of William Brockett and Ann HALL. His was a prenuptial pregnancy, his parents having only married about 5 weeks before his baptism in 17 Jan 1789. This was not so unusual in rural communities at the time.21 John became the Butcher of the twin villages, living to 83.22 He married 1 Oct 1813 in Guilden Morden, Martha JERMIN/JARMAN/GERMAN daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth. Martha bore him 12 children over a period of about 26 years, only 2 or 3 of them dying young:

Martha was buried 30 Mar 1846 Guilden Morden,23 and John on 10 Feb 1872, aged 85.24

Census records for John and Martha:    Read more


  1. John, bap 30 Jan 1813 Guilden Morden, Agricultural Labourer, married Marianne/Mary Ann COOPER 11 Nov 1833 in Ashwell,25 resided Little Green, Guilden Morden all his adult life. John died 27 May 1880, bur Guilden Morden churchyard at the base of the tower, next to his great-grandfather John. Mary Ann probably died 1887. 4 daus, 2 sons 1839-51.
  2. William, bap 28 Nov 1815 Guilden Morden, Shepherd, married 1st Sarah BONFIELD 5 Jan 1837 in Steeple Morden. 6 sons, 5 daus 1837-58. William married 2nd Mary A HOLLINGSWORTH 17 May 1866 in New Meeting, Royston. William died 3 Apr 1898 in Guilden Morden.
  3. Thomas, bap 25 Jan 1818 Guilden Morden, Master Butcher, married 1st Sarah RULE 15 Oct 1846 in Ashwell. 1 son. Thomas married 2nd Mary IZZARD 30 Jan 1849 Guilden Morden. 3 sons, 4 daus 1852-71. Thomas died 5 Mar 1890 in Guilden Morden.
  4. Samuel, bap 3 Dec 1820 Guilden Morden, Labourer, married Mary Ann GAYLOR 12 Nov 1846 Royston. He died 1858 Royston, aged 37. 1 dau, 2 sons 1847-58.
  5. Ann, buried aged 8 days 29 Mar 1822, no baptism recorded. Twin to Sarah.
  6. Sarah, buried aged 7 days 29 Mar 1822, no baptism recorded. Twin to Ann.
  7. Martha, bap 13 Apr 1823 Guilden Morden, married William GENTLE 18 Oct 1848 Guilden Morden, and were living in the High St there in 1851 with a 10-month old daughter, and Martha’s father visiting.26
  8. Elizabeth, b c 1826 Guilden Morden.27 In Baldock St, Royston in 1851, aged 21, b Morden, unm, House Servant in the house of John Crosby SQUIRE, 60, Brewer’s Clerk, with his wife, 61, two sons, 26 and 13, three daus 24, 20 and 16, another female House Servant, 28, and a Nurse, 48, Widow.28 Married William NEWELL 1 Dec 1853 Guilden Morden.
  9. Alfred, b c 1830-3 Guilden Morden, d ?1863. Coachman, resided Cambridge, married Eliza HAYWARD 1855 in Cambridge St Paul’s. 4 sons, 1 dau 1856-65.
  10. Mary Ann, b c 1832. Probably the Mary who in 1851 was a House Servant, aged 17 born Morden, the only other occupant in the house of Thomas and Emma CHAPMAN in High St, Ashwell; Thomas, aged 26, was a Farmer of 100 acres, employing 4 men and 2 boys.29 On 20 Dec 1859 Mary Ann married Charles CHAPMAN, in the Independent Meeting House, Therfield, Royston District, she aged 28, Spinster, Domestic Servant, residing Therfield, he 23, Bachelor, Farm Labourer, residing Kelshall.30 The Mary Ann who married 1861 was the widow of her brother Samuel.
  11. Ruth, b c 1836 Guilden Morden. At Great Green, Guilden Morden in 1851, aged 15, b Guilden Morden, only House Servant in the house of Edward and Maria MASTERS; Edward, aged 36, was a Farmer of 21 acres, employing a man and 2 boys.31 Married Thomas PEPPER 7 Sep 1858 Guilden Morden.
  12. Susan, b 3 Sep 1838 Guilden Morden;32 d 22 Mar 1841 Guilden Morden of whooping cough, aged 2.33

The baptisms of the last 4 were not recorded in the Parish Register, but they were all at home in Guilden Morden for the 1841 census. Perhaps John and Martha started going to an independent meeting house around 1824.

8. William 1792-1852

Younger son of William and Ann HALL, born and lived in Guilden Morden. William Brockett married Mary BUTCHER 14 Nov 1815 Hinxworth, Herts, after Banns, he signed and she made an X, he a Bachelor of Guilden Morden, she a Spinster of Hinxworth, witnesses John PETTENGELL and Benjamin KITCHINER.34 He was a Carpenter, as were all 6 sons after him. He died aged 60, bur 3 Feb 1852 Guilden Morden. Mary probably died 1869 Hitchin Herts, aged 74, ie b c 1795,35 bur 8 Jul 1869 Guilden Morden, aged 74.

Census records for William and Mary:    Read more


  1. William bap 14 Nov 1815 Guilden Morden, married Fanny BONNETT 2 Jul 1838 Ashwell.36 8 sons, 3 daus 1838-64.
  2. Mary Ann bap 30 Sep 1817 Guilden Morden, married Chapman SMITH 1836 Guilden Morden.+Census records for Mary Ann and family:    Read more
  3. Alfred bap 4 May 1820 Guilden Morden, Carpenter/Builder, married Ann CHARTER 1843 in Steeple Morden. Alfred d 1904 Cambridge. 3 sons, 4 daus 1843-56.
  4. John bap 19 Jan 1823 Guilden Morden, Carpenter, resided 1851 High St Guilden Morden, married 1st Elizabeth BONNETT 7 Jul 1849 in Guilden Morden. 2 sons 1850-3. He married 2nd May Anne COCKAYNE 21 Jul 1867 in St George’s Hanover Sq, London.
  5. Archer bap 1826 Guilden Morden, Carpenter/Sawyer, married Sarah HARPER 1853 in Lambeth. Archer d 1906 Royston Workhouse. 4 sons, 1 dau 1853-65.
  6. Solomon bap 31 Aug 1828 Guilden Morden, Master Carpenter, married Jane MAY 1855 in Lambeth. Solomon, Builder, purchased 2 lots land for £79 near Astwick Road in Stotfold 1872-4 and sold them or part of them in 1877 for £80.37 Solomon d 1904 Hendon. 6 daus, 7 sons 1853-79.
  7. Elizabeth bap 3 Jul 1831 Guilden Morden. In 1851 a visitor in eldest sister Mary Ann’s household—the Crown and Anchor Public House—in Weston, Herts, 20, unmarried.38 Married 4 Jul 1853 James KIMPTON Guilden Morden.
  8. David bap 5 Jul 1834 Guilden Morden, Carpenter. Married Lucy SAWING 1853 St Mary Newington, Surrey. 4 daus, 1 son 1853-63. Lucy died 1870. David and 2nd partner Emma … had 3 daus 1872-5.
  9. Susan/ah born 1838 Royston District? With sister Mary Ann in Weston, Herts, in 1851, aged 11, b Guilden Morden.39 Married by Banns in Weston 26 Dec 1861 William FARR, he a Bachelor, Gardener, she a Spinster, both of full age residing Weston.40 One witness was cousin William SMITH, signed with X.

9. Elizabeth 1795-1827

Daughter of William and Ann HALL, bap 26 Jan 1795 Guilden Morden. Elizabeth married William JARMAN, Labourer, 5 Apr 1825 Guilden Morden, both otp, witnesses William PETTINGELL and Elizabeth LILLEY. Her 2 children were about 10 and 4 at the time. She and husband William were mentioned in uncle John’s Will of 1826, but she died soon after aged 32, and was buried 6 Jan 1827 Guilden Morden.


  1. Elizabeth Brockett, bap 19 Feb 1816 Guilden Morden Parish Church “illegitimate daughter of William Strickland and Elizabeth Brockett”; married Thomas KEY 1834 in the Parish Church, but their 2 daughters were baptised in Guilden Morden Chapel 1845, 49.
  2. William Brockett, bap 13 May 1821 Guilden Morden, married Amey TOOKEY 6 Apr 1847 in Royston New Meeting House, no father named,41 see the separate page.
  3. Mary Ann JARMAN, bap Guilden Morden 23 Apr 1826.

Page Last Updated: February 15, 2022


For full bibliographical details please see the sections Publications or Glossary.


[1] Details of baptisms, marriages and burials are from the relevant Parish Records unless stated IGI. After the first William's marriage in Steeple Morden, all records on this page are from Guilden Morden.

[2] The Bishop’s Transcripts for Steeple Morden cover 1599-1674, whereafter the Parish Registers are complete. The Guilden Morden Parish Registers date from 1599.

[3] Laslett 1983 p 82.

[4] Boyd's 1st Misc FMP transcription.

[5] ERO D/P 370/1/1, transcription accessed from FMP Aug 2019; Boyd's marriage index, 1538-1850, transcription accessed likewise.

[6] Guilden Morden Parish Register.

[7] Guilden Morden Parish Register.

[8] Dunton Parish Register, BLARS P51/1/6.

[9] Laslett 1983 p 82.

[10] BLARS P51/1/6.

[11] TNA E179/243/6

[12] TNA E179/243/10 f70b

[13] Parish Register.

[14] Index of the Probate Records of the Court of the Archdeacon of Ely, p 28: W 1733—original, WR 12:382—court transcript.

[15] Reproduced by kind permission of the Cambridge Record Office.

[16] Communication from the Cambridge Record Office Archivist, April 1998.

[17] Reproduced by kind permission of the Cambridge Record Office.

[18] 1981 p 96.

[19] All events in Guilden Morden.

[20] Index of the Probate Records of the Court of the Archdeacon of Ely, p 28: W 1831—original, WR 19:345—court transcript.

[21] Laslett 1983 p 161.

[22] Guild of One-Name Studies pdf faux marriage certificate of son Thomas in Jan 1849.

[23] GRO qtr 1.

[24] GRO qtr 1; MI Guilden Morden cemetery.

[25] Ashwell baptisms and marriages 1687-1837.

[26] Census.

[27] AP4.

[28] Census.

[29] Census.

[30] Marriage certificate.

[31] Census.

[32] Birth certificate.

[33] Death certificate.

[34] FMP image: GBPRS_HERT_004946626_00009.

[35] GRO qtr 3

[36] Ashwell baptisms and marriages 1687-1837; GRO qtr 3.

[37] BLARS Z1187/2/2 and 3.

[38] Census.

[39] Census.

[40] Marriage certificate.

[41] Marriage certificate.

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