Surrey Broket Wills 16th C - The Broket Archive

Surrey Broket Wills 16th C

These four were members of the Dorking Broket clan alive before the Parish Register began:

George Brokett died 1535
William Brokett died 1536
Richarde Brogat died 1536
Frances Brockett died 1571/2

George Brokett of Dorking 1535

Will written 10 Aug 1535, proved 1 Feb 1535/6.1 He mentioned wife Alice and brothers Richard and William, but no children:

1. In the name of god Amen The yere of our Lorde god m v xxxv the
2. xth Day of August I George Brokett dothe begyne to make my Testament and
3. Last will in this maner of forme folowing / First I bequethe my soule to
4. allmyghty god oure Lady saynt mary and to all the holy company of hevyn
5. and my body to be buried in the chirch yarde of the parishe of saynt marteyns
6. in Dorkyng Also I bequeethe to the high aulter of the same churche ijd / Also
7. to the mother chirche of Winchester ijd / Also I wyll that Alys my wyf and
8. John Awncell my father in Lawe and my brother Richarde Brokett shall be
9. myn executours they to se my dettes payd and after that done I will that Alys
10. my wyf shall haue all my gooddes moveable and vnmoveable to hir discrecion’
11. for my soule helth as she thinketh best Also I will that my brother William
12. Broket se my dettes paid and my will to be fulfilled accordyng to my mynd in
13. all causis whiche brother I ordeyn and make my supervisor the yer and day
14. Above namyd

William Brokett of Dorking 1536

Will written 2 Jul 1536, proved 13 Dec 1536.2 He held lands and tenements and mentioned wife Clemente and unnamed children; [brother] Richard was a witness:

1. In the name of godd amen the secound
2. day of the monethe of Julye in the yere of our
3. Lorde godd m v xxxvj I William Brokett of the
4. parisshe of dorkinge in the countie of Surrey hole
5. of mynde and of goode memorye make my testament
6. and Last will in maner and forme folowynge first
7. I bequethe my soule vnto allmyghtye godd and to
8. oure Ladye seynt marye the virgyn And all the
9. compenye of hevin and my bodye to be buryed
10. in the chirche yarde of seynte martyns in the
11. parisshe of dorkynge Item I will and bequethe
12. vnto clemente my wif all my goodys moveable
13. and vnmoveable with all my Londes and tenements
14. with all the pertenances therto belonynge duryng
15. the naturall lif of the forsayd Clement to the
16. aeyde and comford of the forsaid Clement and the
17. children of hus bothe and after the londys and
18. tenementes to Remayn to my heires after custome and
19. maner of the ordynarye Lawe And also I will
20. that the forsaid Clemente my wif shalbe my hole
21. executrice as to the performance of this beyng my
22. last will In witnes herof Sir John’ Smyth chaplaine
23. to the Righte worshipfull Sir Mathew Browne knyght
24. Sir William fox brotherhode prieste of the parisshe of
25. Dorkynge Roberte Wonony Richarde Brokett George
26. Taylour and John Byrstowe the younger with other moore.

Richarde Brogat of Dorking 1536

Will written 13 Oct 1536, proved 13 Dec 1536.3 He mentioned wife ?Clemence and sons John and Myles:

1. In the name of godd amen The xiijth day
2. of Octobre in the yere of oure Lorde godd m
3. v xxxvj I Richerd brogat of the parysshe of
4. Dorkyng beyng of good mynde and memorye constitute
5. ordeyn and make my present testament and Last
6. will in maner of forme folowyng first I bequeth
7. my soule to almyghtie godd my maker and redeemer
8. to our ladye seynt marye And to all the companye
9. of hevin and my bodie to be buryed in the
10. churche yarde of dorkynge Item I bequethe to the
11. hygh aultar of my paryshe churche ijd and to the
12. mother churche of Winchestere ijd Item I bequethe
13. to John’ my sonne a wanyer and to Mylis my sonne
14. a Wanyer and to Clementes a wanyer Item I bequeath
15. to sir William sir William foxe iijs iiijd all the Rest of
16. my goodes I bequithe to my wif ‘And my wif’ to be myn executrices
17. and Christofor Roffay to be oversear

Frances Brockett of Walton, Yeoman 1571

Will written 4 Apr 1571, proved 4 Mar 1571/2.4 Walton is now Walton on the Hill, c 4 m NE of Dorking. He mentioned brother Robert, sister Mary, wife Joan and children Richard, Raffe, Annes, Alice and Audrey. He had a servant and two houses:

1. In the name of god amen the iiijth daye of marche / ‘Aprill’ in the yere
2. of our Lorde god 1570 ‘1571’ and in the xiiij yere of the raigne’ of quenne
3. Elyzabeth etc’ I Frances Brockett of the parishe of Waltone
4. In the countie of Surrey / youmane Sicke in bodye but of
5. good and perfecte remembrance do make this my last will and
6. testamente in maner and fourme folowynge / that is I commend
7. my soule vnto the handes of god throwe the Death and
8. passione of Jesus christe my only saveour and redimere / and
9. my Lorde to be buriede in the churche or churche yearde
10. of waltone / Item I geue and bequethe vnto the poore
11. ?mens boxe vjs viijd / Item I geue and bequeth vnto the right
12. worshippfull Mr. Charles Hawarde my greate baye mare
13. Iteme I geue and bequethe vnto my servant George
14. monke xxs. Item I geue and bequeth vnto my brothere
15. Roberte brocket xxs / Item’ I geve and bequeth vnto my
16. sister mary / one Cowe with a calfe / one ewe with a lame
17. vjs viijd / Item’ I geue and bequeth vnto my welbelouede
18. wyff Johane brockett one howse with thappurtenances which I
19. Boughte in the towne of Darkinge in the countie of surrey
20. Duringe her naturall ‘lyff’ and aftere her dissesse / my will
21. and mynde is that the aforsaide howse with thappurtenances
22. shaull remayne / vnto Raffe my Sonne and to his heyr’es’
23. for evere / And if the saide Johane my wyffe do refuse the
24. saide howse with the appurtenances in the name of her
25. Dowre and in recompence ‘therof’ thene yt is my will that she
26. shall not be one of my executores / nor haue eny thinge
27. to Do with this my last will and testamente / Item I do
28. make constitude appointe and ordeyne / my welbelouede Johane
29. Brockett my wyffe / Richarde brockett / Raffe brockett / Annes
30. brockett / Ales brockette & Audrey brockette my childrene / my true
31. And Lawfull executores to ministere axe receue and take all
32. all and singulere my moueable goodes and chattelles / my deptes
33. and legacyes Dischargede / the whiche shall appere heraftere
34. Also my will is that the said Johane my wiffe
35. Shall haue the kepinge and Bringinge vpp of my children
36. vntill thie be xx yeres of age / or elles mariede /
‘for so many yeres as the ouerseres shall thinke good’ / with the occu
37. pinge and kepinge of all theire goodes and portions / fyndinge
38. suche sufficient shurties to the behoffe of my childrene’
39. as my ouerseeres shaull thinke conveniante mete / and if the
40. saide Johane my wyffe Do refuse to putt in and to be
41. bonded with suche shurties as thei shall thinke reasonable
42. to the behoffe of my saide childrene / thene ytt is my will
43. that my overseres maye haue the gardeyne and keping
44. of my childrene vntill thei be of thage of xx yeres or elles mariede
45. with all thire stocke and portions / fyndinge suche shurties to the behoff
46. of my childrene as the righte worshippfull Mr Charles Haward
47. shall ‘thinke’ mete and conueniente / and yf yt happene eny of the aforsayd
48. Childrene to die Before theie be of that age of xx yeres or mariede
49. thene yt is my will that his or theire portione or portiones shal
50. be equally Deuidede Betwixte the reste of my childrene / at the
51. Discretione of my overseeres / And allso yt is my will that my
52. ouerseeres haue the Lettinge and settinge of my eldest soones howse
53. at Dorkinge vntill he be of the age of xx yeres / and stande
54. countable vnto him for all suche profetes and commodities as thei
55. or eny of theme shall take or receue therof During the saide terme
56. of yeres / Allso I do make constitude and ordeyne to ‘be’ ouerseeres of this
57. my Last will and testamete / and to see yt fulfylde observede and
58. kepte and in every poynte and artickle accordynge vnto the true
59. meaninge and purporte therof / my welbelouede in christe / Mr
60. Charles Hawarde / Thomas Wynstone / Thomas Brothertone
61. These were witnesses per me Rogerus Pryce rectoure de Waybridge
62. Wyllyam portere Thomas brothertone’
63. Herfolowethe deptes that I do owe
64. particularly__________________________
65. Firste to Antony Gilmane of rigatt_____x li
66. To George monke__________________viij li
67. To William porter_________________lv s
68. To Thomas Brothertone of Waltone___xxvj li xiij s iiij d
69. To William Rutter of Waybridges___xxx s
70. To Mr Tudere_____________________iiij li
71. To Thomas power________________xxx s
72. These are my detteres
73. Mr William Hawarde________________v li
74. Edward Bartleye_____________________v li
75. Mathew spencere_________________iiij li
76. Thomas Clere of waltone_____________vj li
77. the whiche ‘vj li’ I do will my overseeres to
78. receaue / and to Deuide them betwixte
79. my childrene and wyffe as thei thinke
80. yt necessarye Frances Brokytt

Page Last Updated: April 8, 2020


For full bibliographical details please see the sections Publications or Glossary.


[1] DW/PA/7/4 f 142 (Archdeaconry of Surrey); Webb p 75.

[2] DW/PA/7/4 f 188 (Archdeaconry of Surrey); Webb p 75.

[3] DW/PA/7/4 f 182v (Archdeaconry of Surrey); Webb p 75.

[4] DW/PA/5/1571/1 (Archdeaconry of Surrey); Webb p 75.