Broket Immigrants to N America 19th C
Broket migration to North America continued apace in the 19th C. If you know of other 19th C Broket immigrants not listed here please send us information and we’ll acknowledge your help.1
For the 20th C see this separate page.
- 1831: Christian: To Upper Canada
- 1831 William: To Upper Canada
- 1855 Edwin: To Hensonville NY from Durham
- 1881 Earnest: Canadian census record
- 1881 William: In New Westminster, BC, Canada
- 1892 Barbara: Through Ellis Island
- 1892 Kali: Through Ellis Island
- 1892 Grace: Through Ellis Island
Christian Brocket of Lesmahagow 1831
Christian, married to James TUDHOPE. To Upper Canada.
William Brocket of Lesmahagow 1831
Born 1817, William emigrated to Upper Canada 1831 from Lesmahagow. He had returned to Lesmahagow by 1841, but then emigrated to Australia.
Edwin Brockett, Hensonville NY 1855
Edwin, born 1830 Durham, NE England, son of Robert Brockett immigrated to Hensonville, NY, USA in 1855. But no record of an Edwin b c 1830 from Durham has been found. He was recorded in the History of Greene County:2Read more
According to this, Edwin was a businessman and postmaster at Hensonville 1861-71, and Windham 1871-81, succeeded by his son, Charles. He married 1st 1855 Huldah PARSONS of Windham, and 2nd 1871 Henrietta PECK née GOSLEE of Windham.4
Earnest Brockett 1881
An Earnest was recorded in the 1881 Canadian census. Might he have been Frederick Ernest, son of Frederick and Margery of Haltwhistle, Northumberland, born 1870?
William Brocket 1881
A William, aged 30, Millhand, ethnic origin Russian, was recorded in the 1881 Canadian census for North, New Westminster, BC. His Russian origin looks questionable. Perhaps he came up from the USA. He wouldn’t have been the William who emigrated to Upper Canada 1831 from Lesmahagow.
Barbara Brockett of Scotland 1892
Barbara Brockett, aged 26, ie b c 1866, Weaver from Scotland, arrived Ellis Island 9 Jan 1892 on the Pomeranian from Glasgow.5 No Barbara is known marrying a Brockett in the early 1860s and the only Barbara recorded born in the BMDS around that time was Barbara b 1861 Glasgow, ie aged c 31 in 1892. If this was her, she returned to Scotland to marry in 1894.
Kali Brocket of Liberia 1892
Kali Brocket, female, aged 31 arrived Ellis Island on the Liberia 21 May 1892 from Monrovia, Liberia.6 Indigenous Liberians didn’t have European-style surnames, like Americo-Liberians, the ruling class of descendants of freed American slaves. Might Kali have been such a descendant returning to the US?
Grace Brockett of Surrey 1892
Grace Brockett, English, aged 17, ie b c 1875, arrived Ellis Island on the Etruria 11 Jul 1892 from Liverpool with 3 pieces of luggage, last residence Surrey.7
Page Last Updated: April 5, 2020
[1] The spelling 'Broket' is used in this website as a kind of lowest common denominator when no specific variant is being referred to, like Brocket, Brockett, Brockette.
[2] Retyped from J.B. Beers & Co (1884) History of Greene County by Sylvia Hasenkopf, and copied here from (accessed 15 Sep 2018).
[3] Courtesy of Sylvia Hasenkopf's extract from Beers' History of Greene County at (accessed 15 Sep 2018).
[4] Information retyped from J.B. Beers & Co (1884) History of Greene County by Sylvia Hasenkopf at (accessed 15 Sep 2018).
[5] Jan 2006.
[6] Jan 2006.
[7] Jan 2006.