Robert and Annabella Brocket
immigrants to Alexandria VA 1784/5
Robert and his wife Annabella are the earliest Broket immigrants to N America who both have descendants living today and whose parents in the UK are definitely known. They are also the first known Broket immigrants to N America from Scotland. They came in one of the later 18th C waves of emigration across the Atlantic, vividly described by Fischer in his chapter subtitled ‘The flight from North Britain 1717-1775’.1
Contents of this page:
Primary and Secondary
1st generation
2nd generation
3rd generation
4th generation
5th generation
Primary Evidence
Almost all the evidence linking Robert to Scotland—and in particular to a Brocket family from Lesmahagow in Lanarkshire—comes from family memories and papers, which may no longer exist, but were recorded in genealogies compiled by descendants, for instance in one attributed to Robert’s grandson Franklin L Brockett. The inscription on Robert’s tombstone in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Alexandria, VA, does however still exist and says that he was “a native of Lanark Shire Scotland”.2
The table tomb is Robert’s and the large brown flat gravestone to its right is Annabella’s, see below. The inscription on Robert’s reads in full:3
Beneath this tomb is deposited the mortal remains of Robert Brocket a native of Lanark Shire Scotland who departed this life Mar 29th 1829 aged 78. During his residence of 45 years in Alexandria he maintained the character of a worthy citizen and honest man.
Although Lanarkshire isn’t small and then included the city of Glasgow, only a tiny number of Brocket families are recorded there in 18th C. Furthermore, only three Robert Brockets were recorded christened 1700-1845 in Lanarkshire in the Scottish Old Parish Records: one in 1714, one in 1752 and the third in 1834. The ones christened in 1714 and 1834 wouldn’t fit a 1784/5 emigrant, but the 1752 one would. This Robert was christened 8 Apr 1752 in Lesmahagow—a small village c 25 miles SE of Glasgow—son of William and Margaret WIGHT.4 Robert was the 3rd of 7 or 8 siblings who grew up at Netherfauldhouse in Lesmahagow, where his parents were farmers:5
One of Robert’s brothers was Andrew, christened 4 years after Robert. Andrew became a successful Mason and Builder in Glasgow and in his Will of 1832 he made bequests to various brothers and sisters and their heirs, including one of “the sum of £120 Sterling to my brother Robert Brocket of Alexandria North America and his heirs”:6
Taken together, these 3 items of primary evidence—Robert’s gravestone of 1829, his christening record of 1752 and the bequest of 1832—prove that Robert Brocket of Alexandria, VA, was the son of William and Margaret WIGHT of Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Returning to the gravestones of Robert and Annabella, the inscription on her gravestone reads:7
Remember Death. In memory of Annabela the affectionate wife of Robert Brocket, and the sincere lover of her Family, who departed this life October 20th 1808, aged 54 years, and whose irreparable loss is justly lamented. O Sister dust unfold thy Charms. I Shortly fall into thy Arms. 1st grave north and next to this Tomb lies the body of Walter the oldest son of Annabella & Robert Brocket who departed this life May 23d 1816 aged 35 years. 2d Andrew son of Elizabeth & Robert Brocket Jr. who departed this life July 15th 1819 aged 10 months.
These inscriptions on the couple’s gravemarkers provide the following hard primary evidence:
1. Robert was born c 1751 in Lanarkshire.
2. Annabella was born c 1754.
3. Robert and Annabella’s oldest son Walter was born between 24 May 1781 and 22 May 1782.
4. Robert became a resident at Alexandria c 1784.
5. Annabella, wife of Robert, died 1808.
6. Son Walter died 23 May 1816.
7. Andrew, son of Elizabeth and Robert Jr, was born c Oct 1818, died 15 Jul 1819.
8. Robert died 29 Mar 1829.
For Robert and Annabella’s later descendants more primary sources become available—like Birth, Marriage and Death Indexes, military records, and abundant newspaper reports—and as far as possible, these are cited as evidence for this account. But at present, we haven’t seen other primary evidence concerning Robert and Annabella than the above, neither before nor after their immigration, nor indeed of their children’s births or christenings, so we have to rely on secondary sources.
Secondary Evidence and sources
Three main secondary sources—family genealogies—have been used and are discussed here. They are of particular value in linking the various members of the the 1st and 2nd generations of the clan together before censuses gave names of family members other than the head. The 2nd and 3rd of these sources also cited various other sources, some of which are primary, and are cited here at one remove. In an ideal world, these should all be verified. The three sources—in chronological order—are:
1. A 21 page typed copy of an unpublished genealogy probably mainly from the papers of Franklin L Brockett, abbreviated in references here to FB.Read more
2. The Brockett Family Heritage website, abbreviated in references here to BFH.Read more
3. Florence Birge Hemming’s website, abbreviated here to FH.18Read more
So why this account in the Broket Archive?Read more
1st generation: Robert and Annabella
Since the primary sources for Robert and Annabella are few, we are more reliant on family traditions and memories than with their descendants. We have hard evidence of when they died and when Robert was christened, but in between we are dependent on secondary sources. Robert and Annabella must have told their children and grandchildren stories of their early lives, but to what extent these were edited and embellished no one will ever know. However, unlike the elaborate narrative created around the origins of immigrant John Brockett of New Haven of a century and a half earlier, the stories of Robert and Annabella’s origins made no great claims of fame, fortune or religious zeal. So, if they seem feasible why doubt them?
Thus, although the sources we have for Robert’s spell “of a few years” in Northern Ireland are secondary,20 and it’s unlikely any primary ones will emerge, lowland Scots had been colonising Northern Ireland for a century or more and links with small-farming families in the mainland would have been many. As a younger son Robert would have been free—if not compelled—to look further afield than the family farm, and of course he soon moved much further away. So there’s no reason to doubt he went to Ireland. There is also a primary record of his younger brother John in Ireland.
Similarly, that Annabella came from Ireland is also family tradition. Glasslough, County Armagh, wasn’t even a parish,21 so again it’s unlikely any primary records will emerge of her birth there or that she was the daughter of a John Burnet of Armagh. Her gravestone said nothing about where she was from nor what her name before marriage was. But what good reason is there to disbelieve the traditions? Burnet was a good Lowland Scots name, and secondary sources record that Walter Burnet—a nephew of Annabella’s—came to America in 1793 and in 1796 was in Norristown, PA, and that Andrew Burnet—a brother of Annabella—had a son James Burnet born in 1801 who was living in Ireland in 1818.22
And what of Annabella’s marriage to Robert in 1779 or 80 or 81, again in the non-existent parish of Glasslough?23 Maybe there is more cause to question tradition here. Formal marriage in Ireland and Scotland in those days may not have been so necessary as their children or descendants preferred it to have been? In addition to a 1781 marriage in Glasslough BFH cited a report of their marriage in Alexandria.24 This source would need to be checked to make sure it wasn’t an error.
Finally, no primary record of Robert and Annabella’s journey across the Atlantic has been found. But the same applies to thousands of others. So again, the details are down to family tradition. This is that they emigrated in 1784 departing from Robert’s brother Andrew at Irvine Harbor, 21 miles SW of Glasgow, and landed at New York.25 For the dates on the gravestone of their eldest child Walter—aged 35 in 1816—to fit these other dates of Robert’s stay in Ireland and marriage, the couple must have brought the infant Walter with them on the voyage, and such is the family tradition. But perhaps not, and perhaps they arrived in America before 1782?
1790, 1800 and 1810 Federal census returns for Brockets in Alexandria haven’t yet been found.
1820 7 Aug: In the Federal Census for Alexandria, District of Columbia, Robert’s household was given as follows:
Comment: We know that Robert was a widower in his late 60s. It’s unclear who the younger couple aged 26-45 with 4 daughters and a son were. Eldest son Walter had died in 1816 and an 1820 census return for his widow and 4 year-old daughter hasn’t yet been found. Younger son Robert was head of his own household, see below. Daughter Margaret, apparently married to Isaac WILSON in 1811, hasn’t otherwise been found recorded in Alexandria in 1820. The secondary information in FB and BFH was that they resided in Georgetown and an Isaac Wilson was recorded there in 1820, whose household contained—among others—-a couple aged 26-45 and young male aged 0-10, which would fit the secondary information. His household comprised: 2 males aged 26-45 [i.e. b 1775-94]; 1 male aged 0-10 [i.e. b 1810-20]; 1 female 45 and over [i.e. b by 1775]; 1 female aged 26-45.27
For more about Robert’s life: Read more
2nd generation: Robert and Annabella’s 3 children
2.1. Walter Brocket 1782-1816
Born between 24 May 1781 and 22 May 1782.34 All 3 secondary sources said this was in Glaslough, Co Armagh, Ulster, Ireland, in 1782.35 They also said he was given the middle name Burnet or Burnett, but this hasn’t yet been noticed in a primary record. The 1808 census of Alexandria just called him Walter,36 as did Annabella’s gravestone. In the next generation a Walter B Brockett was recorded in several primary records and the secondary ones again all filled the B out to Burnet or Burnett.
He married Elizabeth BYRNE 18 Nov 1815 in Alexandria, VA,37 in the Old Presbyterian Meeting House.38 Walter died six months later 23 May 1816 and was buried next to the grave of his mother in Alexandria, Virginia, on whose gravestone was added ‘1st grave north and next to this tomb lies the body of Walter the oldest son of Anabella and Robert Brockett who departed this life May 23d 1816 aged 35 years’.39 Administration of his estate was given to his father and brother 2 Feb 1818.40 Elizabeth has not so far been found in the 1820 census for Alexandria surname Brocket.
1830: In the Federal Census for Alexandria, Washington, District of Columbia, Elizabeth Brockett was recorded as head of a household, aged 50-60 [i.e. b 1770-80]; with 2 females 10-15 [i.e. b 1815-1820]; and 1 female 15-20 [i.e. b 1810-1815]; Total Free White Persons: 4.41
Comment: One of the females aged 10-15 was probably Walter Ann, but who the other 2 females were isn’t known.
Mrs. Walter Brockett was recorded dying in Apr 1834, buried 2 May 1834.42 Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter shortly after Walter’s death, Walter Ann Brockett. Guardianship of Walter Ann was given to Walter Ann to Margret BURNS, probably a relative of her mother, as shown by Margaret’s 1st account of of her Guardianship to the Alexandria Co Orphans’ Court, November Term 1835.43 The newspaper report referred to “Walter Ann Brocket, deceased”, but the secondary sources said she married William BALL between 2 Jan 1836 and 2 Jan 1837 in Alexandria, Virginia, had a daughter Mary Elizabeth BALL, and died 8 Sept 1842.44 Walter Ann was apparently buried next to her mother in the Catholic Burial Ground in Alexandria.45 Reading between the lines, there may have been some tension here; certainly in Scotland at that time Presbyterians and Catholics didn’t see eye to eye.
The same source provided two other deaths that don’t fit with the accounts of the Alexandria clan according to the secondary sources:46
- BROCKETT, Elizabeth, date of death not given, published 23 Sept 1852.
- BROCKETT, Lizzie, died 5 Oct 1877, published 6 Dec 1877.
If the obituaries are correct, there were other Brocketts in Alexandria in the second half of the 19th C.
2.2. Margaret Brocket 1787-1827
Born April 1787 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 18 Feb 1827 in Georgetown, Washington DC, buried in Alexandria.47 She married Isaac Knox WILSON 5 Dec 1811, who was born in Ireland of Scottish parents.48 2 daughters, 5 sons.
2.3. Robert Brocket 1792-1867
Born 24 Jul 1792 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 22 Jun 1867 in Alexandria.49 He married Elizabeth LONGDEN 14 Dec 1815 in Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Alexandria.50 She was born 1795, and died 1882.51 Census records:Read more
Robert’s Will was written 15 Aug 1864, proved 2 Jul 1867, executor eldest son Robert L Brockett.63 For more about Robert Jnr’s life: Read more 10 children:
- Robert Longden Brockett, born 6 Oct 1816 in Virginia; died 1908. See below.
- Andrew E Brockett, born 16 Sep 1818 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 15 Jul 1819 in Alexandria. On the gravestone of his grandmother Anabella was added ‘Andrew son of Elizabeth and Robert Brockett Jnr also departed this life Jul 15th 1819 aged 10 months’.68
- Ann Cornelia Brockett, born 22 Apr 1820; died 9 Apr 1826.
- Franklin Longden Brockett, born 10 Dec 1822 in Virginia; died 20 May 1891. See below
- Edgar Longden Brockett, born 9 Mar 1825 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 5 Mar 1887. See below
- Walter Burnett Brockett, born 19 Feb 1828 in Virginia, and died 5 Jul 1889 in Alexandria. See below.
- Caroline Elizabeth Brockett, born 1831 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 23 Jul 1893 in Alexandria of Gastroenteritis, aged 63, unmarried, informant A E Brockett, brother;69 buried First Presbyterian Cemetery. Caroline E was recorded in the 1850 census for Alexandria County, aged 18.
- Nancy Craig Brockett, born 1832 in Virginia; died 1 Jan 1896.70 The 1850 census recorded her at her parents’ home in Alexandria, aged 17. Married William A HART, of Alexandria, 2 Nov 1865, Second Presbyterian Church, Alexandria.71 3 daughters,72 1 son. Both Nancy and William were buried in the First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alexandria.73
- Laura Virginia Brockett, born 1833 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 20 Feb 1908 in Alexandria;74 buried First Presbyterian Cemetery.
- Ralph Longden Brockett, born 18 Aug 1834; died Apr 1835.75
3rd generation: Robert and Elizabeth’s sons
Only those known to have married are included here.
3.1. Robert Longden Brockett 1816-1908
Eldest son of Robert Brocket and Elizabeth LONGDEN. Born 6 Oct 1816 in Virginia;76 died 1908.77 Married in Montgomery County, Maryland, 13 Jun 1842 Ann Eliza McCORMICK of Brookeville, Maryland.78 She was born between 1817-20, and died 5 Nov 1880.79 Census records recorded Robert as a Teacher and once as a Professor (1870). FB said Robert was appointed Professor of Physics at Lynchburg College in 1859.80 Is this correct? Lynchburg lies c 225 m SW of Libertytown MD, if that’s where they lived in 1860, and c 250 m SW of Westminster, Carroll Co, Maryland, where they lived in 1880. The current University of Lynchburg was apparently founded in 1903 as Virginia Christian College, and changed its name to Lynchburg College in 1919. Lynchburg is c 225 m SW of Libertytown MD, if that’s where they lived. BH recorded him as Professor at Western Maryland College in 1879.81
Census records:Read more
Children: Read more
- Cornelia Marion Brockett. Probably the ‘EM’, aged 7, and ‘Charles M’, aged 17, of the 1850 and 60 censuses, i.e. born c 1843.89 She was at the home of her brother Clinton in Atlanta, GA, for the census of 1920, widowed, aged 75, i.e. b c 1845. Married William Henry Harrison ANDERSON 19 Feb 1868.90 He was a member of the Baltimore Bar.91 No Issue. Recorded owning 310 North Royal Street, Alexandria on 3 Dec 1901.92.
- Henry Addison Brockett, died 9 Jun 1845.93
- E E Brockett. Aged 3 in the 1850 census, i.e. born c 1847. Probably the Elizabeth, aged 13 of the 1860 census and the Emma E, aged 22, of the 1870 census. She married Dixie ISHERWOOD 5 Jun 1879 in Carroll County, Maryland.94 1 daughter.
- E T/J Brockett. Aged 1 in the 1850 census, i.e. born c 1849. Probably died before 1860; no further record found.
- Clinton Thomas Brockett. Born 8 Sep 1850, married Bettie Johnson ERWIN. Died 1929. See below.
- Charlotte Brockett. Aged 7 in the 1860 census, i.e. born c 1853. Probably the Cardova, aged 17 in the 1860 census. FB recorded a daughter Caroline S between Clinton and Anna May. FH recorded a daughter Caroline Elizabeth L Brockett, born 1831 in Alexandria, VA, and died there 23 Jul 1893, having married ? Liggett.95 In 1831 Robert L would only have been 17 and didn’t marry Ann till 1842, so this record looks suspect; no source was provided.
- Anna May Brockett. Born 1 May 1856 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 1923 in Jacksonville. She married DeWitt Clinton INGLE 1881. He was born 1857 in Flint Hill, Virginia, and died 1924. 2 sons, 2 daughters.96
Clinton was the only surviving son and his son died unmarried, so this branch of the family has died out in the male line.
Entries in the Alexandria gazette for Robert:97 Read more
3.2. Franklin Longden Brockett 1822-91
Third son of Robert Brocket and Elizabeth LONGDEN. Born 10 Dec 1822 in Virginia;98 He lived all his life in Alexandria and was recorded in the Washington DC City Directory as residing in 1890 at 710 11th Northwest.99 He died 20 May 1891 in Alexandria of consumption aged 62.100 Married Virginia C EVALETH 14 Oct 1858 in Arlington, Virginia.101 She was born 5 Oct 1834 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 1927.102 No children.103
Census records:Read more
On 31 Jul 1865 Franklin L Brockett of Alexandria, was pardoned for “taking part in the late rebellion against the Government of the Unites States…”107
Virginia and Franklin were buried in the First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alexandria.108 Franklin’s papers were probably the source for most of the unpublished genealogy (FB) discussed above, from which some of the information about this clan is drawn. He appeared frequently in the pages of the Alexandria gazette; here are the entries cited by BFH:109 Read more
3.3. Edgar Longden Brockett 1825-87
Fourth son of Robert Brocket and Elizabeth LONGDEN. Born 9 Mar 1825 in Alexandria, Virginia; died 5 Mar 1887 of heart disease, occupation Book Agent.110 Married Georgiana Catherine SEYMOUR, of Norfolk, Virginia, 5 Dec 1850.111 She was born 1829 in Norfolk, Virginia, and died 22 Jan 1898.112 Modern grave markers of the couple are in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Alexandria.113 Images of the couple c 1875:
Census records:Read more
During the Civil War (1861-65) Edgar served in the Confederate Army as Major in the 12th Regiment Virginia Infantry,116 or 124th regiment.117 Entries in the Alexandria gazette cited by BFH: Read more 7 Children:118
- Kate Seymour Brockett, born 12 Oct 1851 in Petersburg, Prince George County, Virginia; died 6 May 1934 in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland.119
She married James Neville BLACK 28 Jan 1880 in Residence of Edgar Longden Brockett, Alexandria.120 He was born 1855 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, and died 29 Oct 1934 in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland. His occupation Farmer and owner of 82 acres.121 Kate and James were buried at Rockville Cemetery, Baltimore Road, Rockville, Maryland. 3 daughters, 2 sons. - Burnetta Brockett, born c 1855. She married Frederick LEHMANN 2 Jun 1891 in Virginia. He was born 1847 in Franklin County, Kentucky. 2 sons.122
- Georgie Stratton Brockett, born c 1857. She married Frederick HEIMER. 1 son.123
- Edgar Seymour Brockett, born 2 Feb 1859 in Petersburg, Prince George Co, Virginia; died 16 May 1935 in Woodbridge, Virginia. He married Florence Henry REMINGTON 14 Jan 1903 in Alexandria, Virginia. For their family see below.
- Robert Brocket 1861-1933, married Jessie Paxton NORRIS. See below.
- Albert Doyle Brockett, born 15 Jul 1863 in Enfield, Halifax Co, North Carolina; died 17 May 1922, aged 59 of Lobar pneumonia.124 He married Hattie Foster NOURSE 12 Feb 1889 in Presbyterian Manse, Alexandria.125 She was born 1866 and died 21 Jan 1941.126 Albert D and and Edgar S owned a bakery business in Alexandria, recorded at various addresses there between 1897 and 1915.127 Hattie N Brockett applied for a US passport to travel to Europe on board the Assyria 21 Jun 1924 from NY.128 Albert and Hattie were both buried in the First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alexandria, in front of those of Robert and Annabella’s.129 No children.
Census records:Read more
Entries in the Fairfax Herald cited by BFH: Read more
Residence at Albert’s death in 1922: 18 Washington St, Alexandria, occupation Broker Mdse,132 perhaps in error for 318.
- Kate Seymour Brockett, born 12 Oct 1851 in Petersburg, Prince George County, Virginia; died 6 May 1934 in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland.119
3.4. Walter Burnett Brockett 1828-89
Fifth son of Robert Brocket and Elizabeth LONGDEN. Born 19 Feb 1828 in Virginia. The 1850 census recorded him in his parents’ household in Alexandria, aged 22, occupation Clerk. Between 1854-5, at least, W B Brockett was an agent for the Orange and Alexandria railroad, advertising departure times in the Alexandria gazette and the Washington DC Daily Union.133
He married Ellen C COE, 22 May 1860 in Madison Parish, Louisiana.134 Between 1859-60 Walter may have been incarcerated awaiting trial:135Read more
Perhaps for this reason Walter and Ella haven’t been located in the 1860 census.136 During the Civil War (1861-65) Walter Burnett served in the Confederate Army as Captain in the 4th Battalion Louisiana Volunteers.137 The 1870 census recorded the couple—Walter and Ella Brocket—in Vicksburg, Warren Co, Mississippi, he aged 40, Broker, born Louisiana; she 28, born Alabama; in the household with several other individuals and couples of Almira WRIGHT, 40, born NY.138 A 22 Jun 1880 census entry from Madison, Louisiana,139 was likely of him as a Boarder in the household of Hugh R Lucas, aged 52: “W B Brockett, Widowed, aged 52, born Virginia (both parents also), R. R. Agent”, i.e. railroad agent.140 Neither Walter nor Ella have been located in the 1890 census. He is said to have died 5 Jul 1889 in Alexandria, Virginia and have been buried 31 Dec 1889 [6 months later!] in the First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Alexandria.141 Children:
- Charles Algernon Brockett, born 24 Jan 1862 in Petersburg, Virginia; died 16 Mar 1863 in Prattsville, Alabama.142
- Mattie Townsend Brockett, born 6 Apr 1865 in Talledage Springs, Alabama.143 In 1880 Mattie T, aged 14, was at her grandmother’s home in Alexandria, having attended school within the year, her father was recorded as born in VA, mother in Alabama. FH records that Mattie married Theodore I COE and had a son a daughter, and died 1 Jan 1962.
- Walter Burnet Brockett, born 3 Mar 1872, Vicksburg, Mississippi.144 It was probably he who was death was recorded 9 Jul 1875, and burial 10 July.145 He hasn’t been found in the 1880 or 90 censuses.
FH records that Walter and Ellen had 3 or 4 sons and one daughter, but other than Charles Algernon the sons names are unkonwn. They and their mother all died within two days in an epidemic of scarlet fever.146
4th generation
Only those males with children are included here.
4.1. Clinton Thomas Brockett 1850-1929
Only surviving son of Robert Longden Brockett and Ann Eliza McCORMICK.
Information from death certificate:147 Born 8 Sep 1850 VA, d 30 Apr 1929 from Cerebral Hemorrhage, resident of 159 Fifth St NE, Atlanta, Fulton Co, GA, Dentist, widowed, wife Betty Erwin. father Robert L Brockett, b VA, maiden name of mother McCormack, b VA.
FH said he was born in Frederick, MD, and married Bettie Johnson Erwin on 14 Oct 1875.148
1870: Clinton Thos. Brockett graduated from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Maryland.149
1878 14 Oct: Aged 28, he married Bettie J ERWIN in Montgomery, Virginia.150 A record re their daughter Lily shows that Bettie’s middle initial ‘J’ stood for Johnson.151
1890: Bettie Erwin Brockett died 28 Apr and was buried in Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta.152 The record also said, “Dr. and Mrs. Brockett came to Atlanta from Virginia about nine years ago [i.e. c 1881]”. In 1907 his son died, and between 1910-20 so did his daughter.
The Atlanta City Directories show that from at least 1893 Clinton T Brockett was practicing in Atlanta as a dentist, at that time at 99½ Peachtree, residing 656 Piedmont Ave.153 By 1902 at least he had moved his practice to 301-2 The Grand, where he was still listed in 1929, the year he died. Here are the entries for 1902-6:Read more
They show that in 1902/3 Clinton and his son moved residence from Piedmont Rd to Tucker, as shown also in the Census records:Read more
Brockett Road, near the Stone Mountain Freeway in Tucker, is probably originally the road leading to Clinton’s farmhouse. On it now is Brockett Elementary School, and nearby are various neighborhoods and associated roads named Brockett, see the separate page.
- Lily Lonsdale Brockett, b c 1880,159 Montgomery Co, VA.160 She married William Thornton COMER 20 Jun 1901, son of St George LeGare Comer and Laura Virginia Thornton.161 2 sons and a daughter. She died between 1910-20, Atlanta, GA.
- Clinton T Jr Brockett, born 28 Dec 1882, GA. He was a dental student at his father’s practice 1902-3 and then as a practicing dentist 1904-6.162 He died 5 Apr 1907 (aged 24), Clarkston, DeKalb Co, GA, buried 7 Apr 1907 Westview Cemetery, Atlanta.163
4.2. Edgar Seymour Brockett 1859-1935
Eldest son of Edgar Longden Brockett and Georgiana Catherine SEYMOUR. He was born 2 Feb 1859 in Petersburg, Prince George Co, Virginia.164
Census records:Read more
He married Florence Henry REMINGTON 14 Jan 1903 in Alexandria, Virginia. She was some 17 years his junior, born 1876 in Alexandria, Virginia, and died 6 Nov 1956 in Bethesda, Maryland.169
Edgar died 16 May 1935 in Occopuan, Prince William Co, VA, of Heart disease, aged 76, Father: Edgar Longden Brockett, b Alexandria, VA, Mother: Georgeanna Catherine Seymour, Spouse: Florence R Brockett, who was the informant, of Woodbridge.170 Edgar and Florence were both buried in Pohick Episcopal Church Cemetery, Lorton, Fairfax Co, Virginia.171 For entries in the Fairfax News, Herndon Observer cited by BFH: Read more
- Georgiana Catherine Seymour Brockett, born 11 Jul 1906 Agnewville, Prince William Co, VA; died 29 Jan 1986 Bethesda, Montgomery Co, MD, buried Pohick Episcopal Church Cemetery, Lorton, Fairfax Co, VA.172 Called “Georgie”. She married … DRUZINA. Entry in the Fairfax News, Herndon Observer:173Read more
- Edgar Longden Brockett, born 30 Nov 1908; died 19 Dec 1979. See below.
- Mary Virginia Brockett, born 1 Oct 1910; died 6 Jan 1995. She married … FINKS. For entries in the Fairfax News, Herndon Observer cited by BFH Read more
- Burnetta Brockett, born 10 Sep 1913 in Woodbridge, Virginia; died 29 Dec 1985 in Easton, Talbot Co, MD; buried Spring Hill Cemetery Easton.174
In the 1934 Washington DC City Directory she was recorded as a Stenographer residing in Woodbridge.175 The other Brocketts were from an unrelated clan.
Burnetta married Lawrence BIRGE 1940. He was an Attorney, born 1914 in Newton, Massachusetts, and died 23 Oct 1987 in Easton, Maryland.176 2 daughters. For entries in the Fairfax News, Herndon Observer cited by BFH: Read more
4.3. Robert Brocket 1861-1933
Second son of Edgar Longden Brockett and Georgiana Catherine SEYMOUR.
1900.177 5 Jun. Robert Brocket was recorded in Front Royal District, Warren Co, VA, aged 38, b Dec 1861 VA, married 17 years, Traveling Salesman, renting his house, with wife Jessie P, 37, b Dec 1862 MD, married 17 years, 3 children born, all still alive: Albert D, 14, b Jun 1885; Robt Jr, 13, b Nov 1886; Hellen P Brocket, 11, b Jun 1888; all b VA. More information about ??? is provided by FH.178
1910.179 25 Apr. Robert Brocket was recorded at 220 Chestnut St, High Point Ward 1, Guilford, NC, aged 48, b VA, married 27 years, Proprietor Wholesale Grocery, renting his house, with wife Jessie P, 37, b MD, married 27 years, 3 children born, all still alive, no occupation; son Albert D, 24 [i.e. b c 1886], Single, b VA, Manager Wholesale Grocery; daughter Helen P, 21 [i.e. b c 1889], Single, b VA, no occupation.
Robert married Jessie Paxton NORRIS 10 Oct 1883 in Baltimore, MD.180 Children:
Robert Brocket died 26 Apr 1933, Pensacola, FL.181
5th generation
Only those males with children are included here.
5.1 Albert Dorsey Brocket/t 1885-1942
Elder son of Robert Brockett and Jessie Paxton NORRIS, b 21 Jun 1885.182 On an immigration record of 11 Dec 1931 he his birth was given as 21 Apr 1884. Albert Dorsey married Genevieve TATE 3 Oct 1910 in High Point, Guilford, NC.183 Albert Dorsey died 1942 in Duval Co, FL.184
Here is Albert Dorsey Brockett’s signature on his World War I Draft Registration Card of 7 Sep 1917:185 The card supplied the following information: Home address: High Point, Gilford, NC; age 33; born 21 Jun 1885; occupation: Labor Foreman, employed in Portsmouth, VA; married to Genevieve Brockett of High Point, NC; [himself] tall, medium build, blue eyes, gray hair.
Albert wasn’t recorded with Genevieve and their 2 sons in the 1920 census and hasn’t been located elsewhere in that census. None of them have been located for the 1930 census, and by the time of the 1940 census, Genevieve recorded herself as widowed. Whether she knew of Kitty or not, who knows? In 1940 Genevieve was in Monroe Co, 500 miles or more south of Jacksonville.
This was Genevieve in Nov 1959 on a tourist pass to enter Brazil for a 30 day stay:186
The pass recorded her birth date of 16 Oct 1885 at High Point, Guilford Co, NC. Genevieve died on 29 Apr 1975, aged 89, in Fulton Co, GA and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, High Point, NC.187
Census records:Read more
- Albert Dorsey Brocket Jr 1911-44. Born 23 Sep 1911, Guilford Co, NC, son of Albert Dorsey Brockett.192 Married 30 Sep 1939 Jessie Vera HONEYCUTT at Halifax, Halifax Co, Virginia.193 Albert’s residence: Durham NC, Box 1593, occupation salesman, born Guildford Co, NC; Jessie’s residence: 1111 Mangnum St, Durham, NC, aged 30; neither married before.
1940.194 16 Apr. Albert D Brockett was recorded at Oversea Highway House #E, 8th Precinct, Monroe Co, FL, Head of household, aged 28, b NC, Single, Proprietor Manager, Fishing Lodge, renting home at 15 per month, residence in 1935: Highpoint, Gilfort, NC.
1941: Divorced Jessie V Honeycutt at Duval, Florida.195 After this Albert married Ruth Creech of Kentucky, but no record of the marriage has so far been found. Ruth died in Knoxville, TN, 13 Jan 2012, and her obituary says they married in Savannah, GA, and later moved to Knoxville.196 Lt. Brockett’s death fighting against the Japanese in the Western Pacific is described in Battling for Saipan by Francis A O’Brien, 2003.197
1942. 13 May. Enlisted as a Private in Fort Mcpherson, Atlanta, for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months.198 Education: 2 years of college, Occupation: Hotel and restaurant managers, Married, Height: 69, Weight: 172
1944. 21 Jun. Lieut Albert D Brockett died and was buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Honolulu, Hawaii.199 No children known. - Hall Tate Brockett 1916-50. In 1938, aged 22, he was manager of a Country Club in Durham, NC, with his mother:200
He died 17 Aug 1950 in Mirando Precinct 5, Webb Co, Texas, and the death certificate—for which there was no informant—gave the following information:201Hall Tate Brockett: Born 3 Aug 1916, NC; mother: Genevieve T Brockett, father: unable to obtain information; married; Chief Petty Officer, US Navy; usual residence: Vaval Air Station, Corpus Christi, TX.
Comment: That he was married looks like an error—there was no informant.His 1950 burial record said he was born 3 Aug 1916, Guilford Co, NC; buried Oakwood Cemetery, High Point, Guilford Co, NC, occupation given as Aviation Machinist’s Mate.202
If Albert senior went on active service, after his draft in 1917, this may have been the last time he was with the family. It’s the last record so far found of him with them. It appears that for the final 6 or 7 years of his life—at least—he was with Kitty S Brockett, mostly in Jacksonville, FL. She was listed in Jacksonville City Directories from 1937-58, residing Atlantic Beach 1937-8, 816 May 1943-58, and 1361 Challen Av 1959-60.203 Between 1944-58, she was listed “Brockett Kitty S (widow of Abert D Brockett)” as here in 1944:
So it seems that they married. No record of the marriage has yet been located. From at least 1931-9 Albert was in and out of Havana, Cuba, Kitty joining him by 1936. The following Citizen Passenger Lists of Vessels arriving at Miami, Florida,204 suggest that they may have married between 27 Apr 1935 and 2 Jan 1936. The 1936 list said Kitty was born in Camden SC 6 May 1902. If that was correct, she was about 17 years younger than Albert. It isn’t yet known if they had any children. Read more
Between 1937-60 Kitty was Faculty—mostly Study Hall Director—at Robert E Lee High School, 1200 S McDuff Ave, Jacksonville.205 She was recorded in their School Yearbooks 1937-1939 as Kitty P Brockett, and as Kitty S Brockett 1943-59, mostly with an image.206 Her first degree was a Bachelor of Arts from Limestone College, Winnie Davis School of History—liberal arts college in Gaffney, South Carolina. Later she gained a Master of Education (MEd), either from Winthrop College in Rock Hill, SC, or University of SC, Columbia. The latter is c 300 miles from Jacksonvilee, so she may have taken a sabbatical to study there full time.
For her signed entry in the 1938 Robert E Lee High School School Year bookRead more
And here is a selection from the School Yearbooks 1947, 48, 51, 53, 56 and 59:
5.2 Robert Brocket/t 1886-1946
Second son of Robert Brockett and Jessie Paxton NORRIS, was born 2 Nov 1886 in Warren Co, VA, and died Jan 9, 1946 in Pensacola, FL. He married Gertrude SNEED 9 Dec 1914 in Spalding Co, GA.207
Here is Robert Brockett’s signature on his World War I Draft Registration Card of 6/5/1917:208 The card supplied the following information: Home address: 311 Johnson, High Point, NC; age 30; born 6 Nov 1886 Front Royal, VA; natural born citizen; Caucasian; occupation: Salesman, self employed in High Point, NC; married and supporting a wife and child; [himself] tall, medium build, blue eyes, light colored hair, slightly bald.
Census records:Read more
- Robert Brockett Jr, born 19 Jul 1916, died 21 Aug 2009.213 Last Residence: 32501 Pensacola, Escambia, Florida.214 Called Robert III in the 1930 census. Married Jeanne Rosamoond NELSON, who predeceased him. They had 1 daughter.215 “A Navy veteran of World War II, serving as a Chief Petty Officer in the Seabees with a tour in Okinawa, receiving several medals during his military service. During his business career, he was part owner and operator of Brockett Motor Company. He was also a Past President of the Pensacola Lions Club, a two-term member of the Pensacola City Council, and a 33rd degree Mason.”216
- Lillian Paxton Brockett, birth date not known. Married William Edward WILSON Jr.217 She died 17 Sep 2013, and he 25 Dec 2013, and had been married 70 years,218 therefore married c 1943.
5.3. Edgar Longden Brockett 1908-79
Only son of Edgar Seymour Brockett and Florence REMINGTON. Born 30 Nov 1908.219 Died 19 Dec 1979, DeKalb, GA.220
Married Daisy Virginia BEANE 1 Oct 1932, Atlanta, GA.221 Daisy was born 17 Oct 1911, Chicago, and died Decatur, GA, 10 Apr 2003.222
Census records:Read more
Edgar was recorded in the Atlanta City Directories from 1929 through to the 1950s, at least.226 In 1929, for instance, Edgar L Brockett was listed as Private Secretary, Southern Railway System, residing 1013 Sells Ave, SW (also in Atlanta was his 1st cousin once removed Clinton T Brockett, Dentist), and in 1935 as Clerk, Southern Railway, residing 1256 N Ridgewood Ave, NE, with Daisy V.
In 1926, aged 20, Edgar L Brockett of Agnewville [William Co, VA] attended the basic course for Company ‘H’, 34th Infantry, at Citizens Military Training Camp, Fort Eustis, Virginia.227
- Daughter, living Feb 2019.228
- Ronald William Brockett, born 12 Aug 1940, Emory Univer[sity], GA, died 30 Aug 2002.229 Ronald graduated with a Bachelors in Sociology from Georgia State College, Atlanta, Class of 1964, image:230
1962-70. Enlisted in the armed forces 25 Apr 1962, released 12 Apr 1970.231
Married Charlene … Deceased.232 They adopted a daughter and a son.
Page Last Updated: October 22, 2022
[1] Fischer 1989, pp 605-783, and p 6.
[2] Plot 41:9, First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hamilton Lane, Alexandria (information from BFH and Findagrave memorial at accessed 29 Jan 2019).
[3] Information from BFH and Findagrave memorials just mentioned, citing Tombstone Inscriptions of Alexandria, Virginia, vol 1 1992, by Wesley E Pippenger. Photos courtesy of Judi McGarvey, taken 29 Jul 2013, with close up added by Cheryl Sellers Johnson 14 Jan 2019. BFH also cited Obituary Notices from the Alexandria gazette, 1784-1915, compiled by the staff of Alexandria Library, but the the Library of Congress' online version of the Alexandria gazette only runs from 1835 (as of 17 Feb 2019).
[4] Old Parish Records for Lesmahagow, Scotland.
[5] Images taken 2004, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the Copyright page of this Broket Archive.
[6] Glasgow Sheriff Court Wills SC36/51/11 pp 152-61. © Crown copyright, reproduced by kind permission of National Records of Scotland, downloaded from ScotlandsPeople 12 Feb 2019. Image enlarged for clarity. Many thanks to Esther Galbraith for drawing my attention to this information, Feb 2019. FH slightly misquoted it: 'To my brother Robert Brocket of Alexandria N. America and heirs - 125 lbs.' ( Feb 2019).
[7] Plot 41:9, First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hamilton Lane, Alexandria (information from BFH and Findagrave memorial at accessed 29 Jan 2019).
[8] FB p 10.
[9] p 10.
[10] FB p 17.
[11] (accessed 24 Feb 2019) citing 'Brockett family papers'.
[12] FB p 14.
[13] FB p 5; also in FH at (accessed 24 Jan 2019); but not in BFH.
[14] At (accessed 27 May 2017), thanks to Susan Pemberton for the link. Sometimes this link doesn't work and
another has to be found like (accessed 9 Feb 2019).
[15] Elizabeth's War of 1812 Pension Application, Washington D.C.: National Archives. NARA Microfilm Publication M313, 102 rolls; Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group Number 15.
[16] These haven't been independently checked.
[17] M S Williams 2000 pp 3- 4.
[18] See (accessed 24 Jan 2019).
[19] With the source 'NOTES From Franklin Brockett' at (accessed 24 Feb 2019).
[20] FB p 4.
[21] Now in Co Monaghan, just inside the Republic of Ireland.
[22] FH at least.
[23] FB: 1780 (p 4); BFH: 1781; FH: 1779; none citing a source.
[24] From Records of Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Marriages Performed by Dr. James Muir; information obtained from Old Presbyterian Meeting House History and Archives Committee.
[25] FB p 4; BFH; FH cited 'Pvt. Brockett Papers' for this.
[26] ”1820
[27] 1820 US Federal Census for Georgetown, Washington, District of Columbia; Page: 55; NARA Roll: M33_5; Image: 62.
[28] BFH, citing Scots on the Chesapeake, 1607-1830, by David Dobson, 1992, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
[29] BFH, citing Historic Alexandria Virginia Street by Street, Survey of Existing Early Buildings, by Ethelyn Cox, 1976, Historic Alexandria Foundation.
[30] BFH, citing Alexandria, Virginia, 1808 Census (Wards One, Two, Three, and Four), by Wesley E Pippenger, 2000, Willow Bend Books, Westminster, Maryland, pp. 35-36.
[31] BFH, citing The Lodge of Washington: A History of the Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, A.F. and A.M. of Alexandria, Virginia, 1783-1876, by Franklin Longden Brockett, originally published in 1876, pp 195-96.
[32] BFH, citing his obituary in the Visitor and Telegraph newspaper of 4 Apr 1829, p 3.
[33] FB pp 4-5.
[34] Deduced from the inscription on Annabella's gravestone.
[35] FB p 6; BFH; FH.
[36] BFH, citing Alexandria, Virginia, 1808 Census (Wards One, Two, Three, and Four), by Wesley E Pippenger, 2000, Willow Bend Books, Westminster, Maryland, pp. 35-36.
[37] Dodd, Jordan R, et. al., Early American Marriages: Washington D.C. to 1825. Bountiful, UT, USA: Precision Indexing Publishers, transcribed in's online datatbase Washington, D.C., Compiled Marriages, 1801-1825.
[38] BFH, citing Records of Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Marriages Performed by Dr. James Muir; information obtained from Old Presbyterian Meeting House History and Archives Committee.
[39] First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hamilton Lane, Alexandria, Virginia (information from BFH); Findagrave memorial at (accessed 29 Jan 2019).
[40] BFH, citing Wills, Administrations, and Guardianships, p 12.
[41] 1830 US Federal Census for Alexandria, Washington, District of Columbia; Series: M19; Roll: 14; Page: 237.
[42] BFH, citing Obituary Notices from the Alexandria gazette, 1784-1915, compiled by the staff of Alexandria Library, p 3.
[43] Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, D.C.), 21 Nov. 1835. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress, at
[44] FB p 6; BFH, without a source; FH likewise.
[45] FB p 6; FH; but not BFH.
[46] BFH, citing Obituary Notices from the Alexandria gazette, 1784-1915, compiled by the staff of Alexandria Library, p 2. However, neither could be found in the Library of Congress' online editions of the Alexandria gazette for 1852 and 1877: Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers (accessed 17 Feb 2019).
[47] Plot 41:9, First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hamilton Lane (information from BFH).
[48] Unconfirmed source.
[49] Elizabeth's War of 1812 Pension Application, Washington D.C.: National Archives. NARA Microfilm Publication M313, 102 rolls; Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group Number 15.
[50] Elizabeth's War of 1812 Pension Application, Washington D.C.: National Archives. NARA Microfilm Publication M313, 102 rolls; Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group Number 15.
[51] FB p 11.
[52] 1820 US Federal Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, District of Columbia; Page: 184; NARA Roll: M33_5; Image: 191.
[53] 1830 US Federal Census for Alexandria, Washington, District of Columbia; Series: M19; Roll: 14; Page: 222.
[54] 1840 US Federal Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, District of Columbia; Page: 235.
[55] US Federal 1850 Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia; Roll: M432_932; Page: 398B, 399A; Images: 798-9.
[56] US Federal 1860 Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia; NARA series M653, p 76.
[57]'s Virginia Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1607-1890 (database on-line), pp 122-3, accessed 24 Jan 2019. The original data: Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. Virginia Census, 1607-1890. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.
[58]'s Virginia Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1607-1890 (database on-line), p 123, accessed 24 Jan 2019. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
[59] FH: 'Robert Brockett Jr d 1867' page at (accessed 24 Jan 2019).
[60] Communication from Taneya Koonce, 24 Dec 2019.
[61] US Federal 1870 Census for Alexandria Ward 3, Alexandria (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: M593_1632; Page: 118A.
[62] US Federal 1880 Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia; Roll: 1351; Page: 332B; Enumeration District: 003.
[63] BFH, citing Will Book 8 p 549.
[64] BFH, citing The History of Old Alexandria, Virginia, by Mary G. Powell, 1929.
[65] BFH, citing Nos, 40749 80 50 and 28395 80 55; Pension nos. WO 8584 and WC 7861; Elizabeth's War of 1812 Pension Application, Washington D.C.: National Archives. NARA Microfilm Publication M313, 102 rolls; Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group Number 15; FB p 8.
[66] BFH, citing The Lodge of Washington: A History of the Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, A.F. and A.M. of Alexandria, Virginia, 1783-1876, by Franklin Longden Brockett, originally published in 1876, p 199, some of which has been taken and adapted from The History of Old Alexandria, Virginia by Mary G. Powell, 1929.
[67] BFH, citing The History of Old Alexandria, Virginia by Mary G. Powell, 1929.
[68] First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hamilton Lane, Alexandria, Virginia (information from BFH); Findagrave memorial at (accessed 29 Jan 2019).
[69] BFH, citing Alexandria, Virginia Death Records, 1863-1868 (The Gladwin Record) and 1869-1896, by Wesley E. Pippenger, 1995, Willow Bend Books.
[70] BFH.
[71] BFH.
[72] BFH; FB only knew of 2.
[73] BFH.
[74] BFH, citing Obituary Notices from the Alexandria gazette, 1784-1915, compiled by the staff of Alexandria Library.
[75] BFH, citing no source.
[76] FB p 9; BFH.
[77] BFH; FH in Clarkston, Georgia, but without a source; not in FB.
[78] FB p 9; BFH gave 11 Jun, citing Marriage Index: Maryland, 1655-1850, available at County Courthouse Rockville, Maryland.
[79] BFH.
[80] p 9. FH cited Colonial Families of the USA Vol 6.
[81] Citing Colonial Families of the USA Vol 6.
[82] US Federal 1850 Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia; Roll: M432_932; Page: 396A; Image: 793.
[83] Accessed Jan 2019.
[84] According to his death certificate: Georgia Department of Health and Vital Statistics; Atlanta, Georgia, image available from's on-line database Georgia, Deaths Index, 1914-1940, State File no. 10790.
[85] US Federal 1860 Census for : Liberty, Frederick, Maryland; Roll: M653_474; Page: 65.
[86] US Federal Census 1870 for District 4, Anne Arundel, Maryland; Roll: M593_568; Page: 641A.
[87] 1880 US Federal Census for Westminster, Carroll, Maryland; Roll: 506; Page: 446C.
[88] p 10.
[89] BFH gave her a birth date of Sep 1840 and death of Oct 1910, but without sources.
[90] BFH, citing Colonial Families, Volume VII, Hall Family, p 243.
[91] BFH.
[92] BFH, citing Building and Repair Permits Collection Index, 1896-1928, Issued by the City of Alexandria, Library of Virginia, Alexandria, Local History/Special Collections.
[93] FB p 10.
[94] BFH cited Marriage Index: District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, & Virginia, 1740-1920, available from Family History Library microfilm reference number 1320680.
[95] (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[96] All this information from BFH.
[97] From BFH. The gazette is now available online at (accessed 17 Feb 2019), where numerous more entries for Robert can be found. These entries here haven't been checked.
[98] BFH, citing no source. Censuses indicate 1822-4.
[99] Washington, D. C. City Directory, 1890. Washington, D.C.: R. L. Polk Co., 1890, from's on-line database: Washington, D.C. City Directory, 1890-1891.
[100] BFH, citing Alexandria, Virginia Death Records, 1863-1868 (The Gladwin Record) and 1869-1896, by Wesley E. Pippenger, 1995, Willow Bend Books. The age 62 indicates a birth date of 1829, which doesn't match other records.
[101]'s on-line database: Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940, Original data: FamilySearch, FHL Film Number: 30497, Reference ID: 8, (transcription only seen 29 Jan 2019). FB spelt her surname EICLETH (which must be a later copyist error), BFH as EVELETH. A John EVELETH was a member of the Common Council of Alexandria in 1861. The spelling EICLETH in The Local News, Alexandria, Virginia 12 Dec 1861 p 1 was perhaps a mistake in copying.
[102] US Federal 1900 census. Findagrave memorial at (accessed 29 Jan 2019), but no sources provided.
[103] US Federal 1900 census.
[104] US Federal 1870 Census for Alexandria Ward 3, Alexandria (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: M593_1632; Page: 118A.
[105] US 1880 Federal Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia; Roll: 1351; Page: 318B; Enumeration District: 003.
[106] US Federal 1900 Census for Alexandria Ward 1, Alexandria City, Virginia; Page: 7; Enumeration District: 0091.
[107] Original data: Pardons Under Amnesty Proclamations, compiled 1865–1869. A1 1005, 26 rolls. ARC ID: 638273. General Records of the Department of State, 1763–2002, Record Group 59. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., vol 1, 1865 July - 1865 August, digitized by in their on-line database: U.S., Pardons Under Amnesty Proclamations, 1865-1869 (accessed 26 Jan 2019. p 315.
[108] BFH, citing no source.
[109] The gazette is now available online at (accessed 17 Feb 2019), where numerous more entries for Franklin can be found. These entries here haven't been checked.
[110] BFH, citing Alexandria, Virginia Death Records, 1863-1868 (The Gladwin Record) and 1869-1896, by Wesley E. Pippenger, 1995, Willow Bend Books; BFH, citing Ancestry World Tree entry.
[111] BFH, citing IGI Film Number 1903735, abstracted by Cheryl A. Sellers, 5 Oct 2001, giving date 1855, and Georgiana's domicile as Enfield, Halifax, North Carolina.
[112] District Of Columbia Deaths & Burials 1840-1964. BFH just gave Feb 1898 without a source.
[113] Section 44 Plot 148 (Findagrave and accessed 26 Jan 2019, where the images of the couple have also been added by Cheryl Sellers Johnson, no dates supplied).
[114] Port Tobacco (MD) Times, and Charles County Advertiser, 20 Jan 1848, p 3, image added by Randy Gladstone, 2017 at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[115] US Federal 1880 Census for Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia; Roll: 1351; Page: 332B; Enumeration District: 003.
[116] FB p 11; BFH, citing The Lodge of Washington: A History of the Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, A.F. and A.M. of Alexandria, Virginia, 1783-1876, by Franklin Longden Brockett, originally published in 1876, p 199.
[117] BFH, citing Ancestry World Tree entry.
[118] BFH gave them an additional daughter Georgiana Catherine Seymour Brockett, however this was probably a mistake for Georgiana Catherine Seymour Brockett, born 1906, first daughter of Edgar Seymour Brockett of the next generation.
[119] BFH, citing US 1900 Federal census for Albemarle County, Virginia (unconfirmed). Image from Findagrave (accessed 26 Jan 2019), added by Cheryl Sellers Johnson (no date supplied). An obituary is also found there with details about her life.
[120] BFH. That she married James Neville Black (Snr) is confirmed by the death certificate of their son James Neville Black, 19 Jan 1933, recorded in's on-line database: Georgia, Deaths Index, 1914-1940.
[121] BFH, citing US 1900 Federal census for Albemarle County, Virginia (unconfirmed).
[122] BFH.
[123] BFH.
[124] Death Certificate: Virginia Department of Health; Richmond, Virginia; Virginia Deaths, 1912-2014, Certificate #10230. Image available online from 27 Jan 2019.
[125] Virginia, Marriages, 1785-1940, digitized by in their on-line database: Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940 (accessed 26 Jan 2019), FHL Film Number: 30205, Reference ID: n 2. See also FH (accessed 26 Jan 2019) for information on them.
[126] Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775, p 404. Image available online from 27 Jan 2019.
[127] BFH, citing Building and Repair Permits Collection Index, 1896-1928, Issued by the City of Alexandria, Library of Virginia, Alexandria, Local History/Special Collections.
[128] National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington D.C.; Roll #: 2488, recorded in's on-line database: U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925.
[129] Section 41 Plot 9. Findagrave memorials at (accessed 29 Jan 2019).
[130] US Federal 1910 census for Alexandria Ward 3, Alexandria (Independent City), Virginia, Enumeration District 5, sheet 3A.
[131] US Federal 1920 census for Alexandria Ward 3, Alexandria (Independent City), Virginia, Enumeration District 5, sheet 3A.
[132] Virginia Department of Health; Richmond, Virginia; Virginia Deaths, 1912-2014, Certificate #10230. Image available online from 27 Jan 2019.
[133] and (accessed 17 Feb 2019).
[134] FB p 10; FH. BFH; said they were married in Autauga Co, Alabama, which is where FB said her parents were from.
[135] (accessed 31 Jan 2019).
[136] The census in Autauga was taken after after June that year.
[137] FB p 11; BFH, citing The Lodge of Washington: A History of the Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, A.F. and A.M. of Alexandria, Virginia, 1783-1876, by Franklin Longden Brockett, originally published in 1876, p 199.
[138] US Federal Census 1870; for Vicksburg Ward 1, Warren, Mississippi; Roll: M593_751; Page: 213B.
[139] US Federal Census 1880; for 4th Ward, Madison, Louisiana; Roll: T9-456; Page: 286B.
[140] (accessed 31 Jan 2019) p ccl.
[141] BFH, citing Obituary Notices from the Alexandria gazette, 1784-1915, compiled by the staff of Alexandria Library, p 2. See also Findagrave, memorial 62118122 (accessed 24 Jan 2019)---but the grave marker doesn't look like contemporary.
[142] BFH.
[143] BFH.
[144] FB p 10 and FH, without further details; not in BFH.
[145] BFH, citing Obituary Notices from the Alexandria gazette, 1784-1915, compiled by the staff of Alexandria Library, p 2.
[146] (accessed 24 Feb 2019).
[147] Georgia Department of Health and Vital Statistics; Atlanta, Georgia, image available from's on-line database Georgia, Deaths Index, 1914-1940, State File no. 10790.
[148] (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[149] Thirty-sixth Annual Catalogue of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Baltimore 1875-6, p 16, digitized by in their on-line database: U.S., School Catalogs, 1765-1935 (accessed 26 Jan 2019). Original data: Educational Institutions. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts.
[150] Virginia, Marriages, 1785-1940, digitized by in their on-line database: Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940 (accessed 26 Jan 2019), FHL Film Number: 2048462, Reference ID: n 93.
[151] NSDAR, vol 96 (1912) p 286, #95895, digitized by in their on-line database: North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[152] According to an article in the Atlanta Constitution, May 1, 1890, page 7, quoted on Findagrave at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[153] Atlanta, Georgia, City Directory, 1893, image available from's on-line database: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 (accessed 26 Jan 2019). Peachtree abutted on Piedmont (1900 census for Clinton).
[154] US Federal Census 1870 for District 4, Anne Arundel, Maryland; Roll: M593_568; Page: 641A.
[155] US 1900 Federal Census for Atlanta Ward 6, Fulton, Georgia; p 2B; Enumeration District: 81.
[156] US 1910 Federal Census for Clarkston, Dekalb Co, Georgia; Roll: T624_184; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 0030.
[157] US 1920 Federal Census for Atlanta Ward 8, Fulton, Georgia; Roll: T625_253; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 134.
[158] FB's report that they had 4 children seems incorrect.
[159] Aged 30 in the 1910 census.
[160] NSDAR, vol 96 (1912) p 286, #95895, digitized by in their on-line database: North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 (accessed 26 Jan 2019). Born in Shawsville according to FH.
[161] FH at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[162] Atlanta City Directories.
[163] Findagrave at (accessed 26 Jan 2019); The Atlanta Constitution, 7-8 Apr 1907.
[164] Date from Death Certificate #13246, Virginia Department of Health; Richmond, Virginia; Virginia Deaths, 1912-2014; place inferred from parents' census record; also BFH.
[165] 1900 US Federal Census for Alexandria Ward 1, Alexandria City, Virginia; Page: 15; Enumeration District: 0091.
[166] 1910 US Federal Census for Occoquan, Prince William Co, Virginia; Sheet 2B; Enumeration District: 0100.
[167] 1920 US Federal Census for Occoquan, Prince William, Virginia; Roll: T625_1907; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 107.
[168] 1930 US Federal Census for Occoquan, Prince William Co, Virginia; Sheet 4A; Enumeration District: 76-13.
[169] from her Findagrave memorial, see reference to Edgar Seymour's below; no sources cited.
[170] Death Certificate #13246, Virginia Department of Health; Richmond, Virginia; Virginia Deaths, 1912-2014. For more details see FH at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[171] Findagrave memorial at (accessed 29 Jan 2019), which also provides links to similar memorials for Florence and the children; also BFH.
[172] From her Findagrave memorial, see reference to Edgar Seymour's above.
[173] BFH.
[174] From her Findagrave memorial, see reference to Edgar Seymour's above. Also BFH.
[175] Washington DC City Directory, in's online database U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995.
[176] FH; BFH.
[177] US Federal 1900 census for Front Royal, Warren, Virginia, Ward of City: 8695, Sheet Number: 6A. FB listed him as Robert L, and before Albert.
[178] FH at (accessed 24 Jan 2019).
[179] US Federal 1910 census for High Point Ward 1, Guilford, North Carolina; Roll: T624_1114; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 0116.
[180] FH at (accessed 24 Jan 2019), where there is a lot more information about Robert.
[181] FH, who provided much information about his death and burial from High Point Enterprise.
[182] World War I Draft Registration Card 1917-18, see below; US Federal 1900 census, see above. See also different dates in the passenger lists below.
[183] NC State License and Certificate available on FindMyPast 27 Jan 2019 from FamilySearch film number: 000502386, Record set: United States Marriages.
[184] Recorded as 'Elbert Dorsey Brockett' in Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007, transcript available from's on-line database 'Florida Death Index, 1877-1998' (accessed 28 Jan 2019).
[185] Registered Guilford Co, NC; Roll: 1765648; Draft Board: 3. Image courtesy of, available from their on-line database ' U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918' #221 (accessed 28 Jan 2019).
[186] Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Immigration Cards, 1900-1965, image available online from 27 Jan 2019, and on her findagrave memorial at (accessed 27 Jan 2019).
[187] Georgia Department of Health and Vital Statistics; Atlanta, Georgia, transcript Georgia, Deaths Index, 1914-1940, Certificate no. 014114; findagrave memorial at (accessed 27 Jan 2019).
[188] US Federal 1900 census for Front Royal, Warren, Virginia, Ward of City: 8695, Sheet Number: 6A.
[189] US Federal 1910 census for High Point Ward 1, Guilford, North Carolina; Roll: T624_1114; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 0116.
[190] US Federal 1920 census for High Point Ward 4, Guilford, North Carolina; Roll: T625_1302; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 158.
[191] US Federal 1940 census for 8th Precinct, Monroe Co, Florida; Roll: m-t0627-00601; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 44-24.
[192] Image available from's on-line database North Carolina, Birth Indexes, 1800-2000, Roll #NCVR_B_C046_68001, Vol 98, p 304.
[193] Virginia Department of Health; Richmond, Virginia; Virginia Marriages, 1936-2014; Roll: 101167821, Certificate #33371. Image available online from 27 Jan 2019.
[194] US Federal 1940 census for 8th Precinct, Monroe Co, Florida; Roll: m-t0627-00601; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 44-24.
[195] Florida, Divorce Index, 1927-2001, #7044. Image available online from 27 Jan 2019.
[196] Knoxville News Sentinel from 15-16 Jan 2012. Information kindly supplied by John Schlatter of Las Vegas, 8 Aug 2020.
[197] Information kindly supplied by John Schlatter of Las Vegas, 8 Aug 2020.
[198] This and other data here from's on-line database: World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946.
[199] PLOT N 208 MEMORIAL ID 105693046, Findagrave at (accessed 27 Jan 2019).
[200] Durham NC City Directory 1938, from's on-line database: City Directories, 1822-1995.
[201] Texas Department of State Health Services; Austin Texas (image of certificate available from's Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982 (on-line database accessed 24 Jan 2019).
[202] MEMORIAL ID 49583431, Findagrave at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[203] Jacksonville City Directories 1936-61 all checked 29 Jan 2019, available from's on-line databases U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 and Ohio and Florida, City Directories, 1902-1960.
[204] The National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C.; Series Title: U.S. Citizen Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Miami, Florida; NAI Number: 2774842; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group Number: 85. Transcription available online at Ancestry,com's on-line database 'Florida, Passenger Lists, 1898-1963' (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[205] (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[206] U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012; available from's on-line database U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900-1990.
[207] County Marriage Records, 1828–1978. The Georgia Archives, Morrow, Georgia (image of license and certificate available from's Georgia, Marriage Records From Select Counties, 1828-1978 (on-line database accessed 24 Jan 2019).
[208] Registered Guilford Co, NC; Roll: 1765648; Draft Board: 3. Image courtesy of, available from their on-line database 'U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918' #221 (accessed 28 Jan 2019).
[209] US Federal 1920 census for Pensacola, Escambia, Florida; Enumeration District: 22.
[210] US Federal 1930 census for Pensacola, Escambia, Florida; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 0032.
[211] US Federal 1940 census for Pensacola, Escambia, Florida; Roll: m-t0627-00585; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 17-19.
[212] For more details see FH at (accessed 25 Jan 2019).
[213] Obituary in the Pensacola News Journal 28 Aug 2009 at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[214] U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014. Transcription available online at Ancestry,com (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[215] Obituary in the Pensacola News Journal 28 Aug 2009 at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[216] Obituary in the Pensacola News Journal 28 Aug 2009 at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[217] FH.
[218] Communication from FH Feb 2019.
[219] Findagrave memorial at (accessed 29 Jan 2019), which also provides links to similar memorials for Daisy and Ronald, although sources aren't mostly supplied. For more details see FH at (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[220] Georgia Health Department, Office of Vital Records; Georgia, USA; Indexes of Vital Records for Georgia: Deaths, 1919-1998; Certificate Number: 039254, transcript available from's on-line database 'Georgia, Death Index, 1919-1998' (accessed 28 Jan 2019).
[221] FH.
[222] FH; Communication from FH 3 Feb 2019; Findagrave memorial, accessible from Edgar L's memorial at (accessed 29 Jan 2019).
[223] US Federal 1930 census for Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 0107.
[224] US Federal 1940 census for Decatur, Dekalb Co, GA; NARA series T627; NARA roll 664; Sheet 12A; Enumeration District: 44-9B.
[225] Still living 3 Feb 2019 (Communication from FH).
[226] Atlanta, Georgia, City Directories, images available from's on-line database: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 (accessed 26 Jan 2019).
[227] U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012; Yearbook Title: O-d; Year: 1926, p 77, recorded in's on-line database U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900-1990.
[228] Communication from FH 3 Feb 2019.
[229] Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007, transcribed in's on-line database: U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007. Slightly different dates are given on his Findagrave memorial, see reference to father Edgar Longden's above.
[230] U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012; Yearbook Title: Rampway; Year: 1964, recorded in's on-line database: School Yearbooks, 1900-1990.
[231] Branch 1: CG, Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, transcribed in's on-line database: Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010.
[232] Communication from FH 3 Feb 2019.